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Endless Possibilities – New Learning Techniques

Endless Possibilities – New Learning Techniques

The Zipton Stealth Learning System, ZSLS, molds playable young minds, ready to reach for tomorrow if only someone would help show them the way. Seamlessly and effortlessly the Zipton landscape of integrated knowledge concepts wrap a velvet rich production and score of fantastic imagination content into a reward laden journey enlightening core educational standards.

Zipton – Your Guide to the Adventure of a Lifetime

Pack your mental and sensory bags and prepare for a stunning, enlightening voyage from deep inside the sub atomic world though the inner workings of the human body, planet Earth and beyond to the vastness of distant galaxies.  Zipton and his cast of helpful, playful characters utilize creative game play, advanced social networking and the latest in...

Zipton – Concierge of the Universe

Zipton – Concierge of the Universe is your guide to the human comprehension of the universe. As you travel through his amazing adventures you will be transported through the gateway of enlightenment and discovery the bounty of his organized and cross referenced map of knowledge.